“I asked Amanda to put together a program that would help me tackle an elk hunt that would consist of climbing steep mountain sides with a 40lb pack & hauling out meat up to 100lb. Her response was, “ok you want to be able to hang with the boys”. Yup! Her training program was “less intense“ than what I am used to. At first I was hesitant. But trusted the process. She gets out in the mountains & knew what I needed. She had me eating more food than ever paired with just the right exercises to get it done. I finished the hunt with 64 miles of hiking & carried the load. My body felt great despite the hard conditions I was putting it through! Thank you Amanda! She understands mobility, nutrition & recovery. She sets you up for long term success & not a short term goal to slingshot back from. I can not encourage you enough to trust Amanda in the helping you on your journey!”

— Constance B.

“What can I say….. I always thought the only people who worked with a trainer were people who were into fitness modeling competitions or that I needed to “get fit” before I could work with a trainer. Now I think that EVERYONE should have a trainer like Amanda!! My entire life has changed since working with Amanda…. I no longer look at foods as good/bad. I don’t feel bad if I have a donut (or 2). I no longer view exercise as a form of punishment or a chore that I have to do. I actually look forward to my days at the gym!! My family has commented that my mood has improved. That I am more pleasant to be around. I have noticed my mood has improved. I don’t look for excuses to get out of doing things with my family or friends. I have the energy to play with my kids! I feel confident and comfortable with my body and what I wear.”

- Shauntel

“Amanda is one of a kind! Training with her makes you feel comfortable no matter your prior gym experience. She meets you where you are at and takes you to where you want to go. Amanda truly has a passion for what she does. I am thankful for her motivation and the fun energy her training brings! I love how she keeps my results in mind but ensures I am progressing at a good rate with good form to never hurt myself.”

- Chelsea C.

“I love the atmosphere of Ambitious! Being a gym full of women who have their own goals, doing their own thing- it's completely non judgemental. I feel comfortable here. My Personal Trainer and owner of Ambitious, Amanda Cooper, has been greatly helping me through my hyper and hypo mobility throughout my body, my muscle and joint pain, my diet and sleep schedule that have been keeping me from moving forward with the goals I set for myself. Overall, I say it's a great environment, with quality equipment, an easy set up with your personal routine and communication through your program on your phone, and friendly trainers and other fellow women that support and encourage you.”

— Mikayla G.

“I have been training with Amanda since January/February, prior to her I was going to the gym daily, following random online programs and not seeing any results. I decided to join Ambitious after seeing her post in FB, once I met for my initial evaluation I knew I found my place. Amanda is patient, knowledgeable, non judgmental and pushes you without compromising your form. She helped me thru a few months of sciatica pain and never once let me give up on training, we just modified. I feel stronger, I feel confident and I can see changes. She helps me with my million questions about food and has me listen to my body and what its asking of me on specific day. I am excited about the continued training. I completely recommend Amanda @ Ambitious Coaching for your training needs.”

- Milly D.

“Just like to start off by saying that you will not regret choosing Amanda as your personal trainer ! April 2021 I hurt my back and went to weeks of physical therapy with really no relief. At the end of the summer I went to a amazing Chiropractor that took the time to explain what was going on and how I need to fix myself for long term. I knew that Amanda was a personal trainer through a good friend and decided to take a step in the right direction. I have been taking her classes with a training plan geared towards my needs for about 8 weeks and my back feels great. Every week I have new goals that I want to meet and Amanda pushes me with the level of support that I need. I'm positive that with Amanda's help anyone can accomplish their fitness goals.”

- Crystal A.