All about recovery

Are you recovering well?

Proper recovery can be tricky, but it’s also easily overcomplicated.

Recovery is “simply” a balance of stress.

We put our bodies under stress when we exercise, and then we must provide it with adequate resources to completely recuperate and adapt.

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What does this mean?

  • Train with tomorrow in mind. This doesn’t mean go light and easy all the time, but it does mean you shouldn’t max yourself out on a daily basis…train like you’re going to do it again tomorrow.

  • GET ENOUGH SLEEP! I can reinforce this enough. The amount of sleep you need is variable, but you shouldn’t be waking up like you got hit by a truck all the time. Try and aim for a consistent sleep schedule.

  • Eat enough. You should be smashing lots of fruits, veggies, and quality carbs and protein on the regular.

  • Take a break. I’m not very good at this, and most people aren’t. If you feel like your training is suffering - take a break.

I am a firm believer in discipline over motivation, but if you’re running on an empty tank - recover and refuel. This will look different for everyone too…It might mean taking your time at the gym to work on some mobility limitations, or getting some extra sleep, or actually eating breakfast. You know your body better than anyone. Listen.

Don’t let your training suffer. Give yourself a break when you know you need it. The gym will be there tomorrow.


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